1 JPEG sells for $590.00 dollars?
She's got over 93,680 store sales!!
Ok, prepare yourself for a shock...
And make sure you're sitting down...
Here's the price she's charging:

What's she selling?
Just ONE simple JPEG
That's all:

Now, brace yourself...
At this INSANE price...
How many sales could she possibly have??
Take a look for yourself:

Over 93,000 store sales and climbing!
She has hit the STRATOSPHERE
Yes, this is real
Yes, this sudden success changed her life
Customers are on FIRE for these basic JPEGs
She stumbled upon MASSIVE success
And, yes, it's hard to believe
When you realize how much she's making
Not to insult her, but...
Her content is not going to win any awards!
It's average at best
It's pretty much beginner level
Anyone could slap this stuff together
It's far from complicated
But it's NOT ABOUT the content
And I'll show you why
She deserves this success!
She has more than replaced her day job
(She put up with that job for many years.)
A much better life has blossomed for her
And she is THANKFUL
She didn't expect this big success
She thought success was for other people
She is truly very humble about it
So how did she do it?
How did she transform clunky stuff
And start the royalty rivers flowing
How did she take something simple...
And make it GENUINELY worth $590.00 dollars??
Not to mention all the 5-Star reviews
And the continual flow of new, hungry customers
I have something to tell you:
Customers are GLAD to pay her high price!
They DON'T think they are being overcharged
They are THANKING her in the reviews
She is NOT ripping people off!
These simple JPEGs are actually WORTH IT
She transformed something very basic
Into something of REAL VALUE
This is NOT a FLUKE
This is a REAL, ongoing success
New customers keep coming in
And her royalties keep GROWING daily
Her 'process' is a no-brainer
It takes her less than 5 Minutes
To transform very average content
Into precious (high-priced) gold
Don't believe me?
She's not the only one doing this
She's in a tiny group of sellers
All using this exact SAME STRATEGY
Here's another seller
Having MAJOR success
With the SAME EXACT strategy
First, look at the price:

What's he selling?
Just ONE simple JPEG:

How's he doing?
A few sales here and there?
Barely keeping his head above water?
See for yourself:

Over 35,000 store sales!!
Not bad for a beginner
That's some honest, life-changing royalties
And we've only just begun
It's actually working wonders
And only a handful of sellers know about it
So the field is truly WIDE OPEN for us
Do you want more?
How about a third seller?
Let's take a look
First, the price:

Ok, what's she offering?
Just ONE single JPEG
Nothing else:

Ok, how's she doing?
Maybe a trickle of sales?
A handful of sales?
Take a look:

Yikes! Over 12,000 store sales
That's an honest-to-goodness jackpot
That's an OVERFLOWING royalty stream
That's MORE than a FULL-TIME income
These three sellers have transformed their lives
But they are NOT special
They are not cunning masterminds
They are just like you and me
But they stumbled upon a STRATEGY
A strategy that HELPS their customers
That adds MASSIVE VALUE to their customer's lives
And to their CUSTOMERS fortunes
If you HELP people MASSIVELY
They will PAY you MASSIVELY
It's a two-way street
It's positive on BOTH sides
That's why these sellers can charge such high prices
With THOUSANDS of satisfied customers
Five-star reviews pouring in every day
And the royalty flow just getting bigger and bigger
This is a way to give your customers MORE
Something that can even help their FAMILIES
But it costs you NOTHING
Except FIVE MINUTES of your time
There's only a handful of sellers using this method
And making record-breaking royalties
Most sellers know NOTHING about this method
So the field is WIDE OPEN for us!
PS: If you want to hear about my Private Launch Group, you will be given the chance to add it to your cart on the checkout page. I take you behind the scenes and show you exactly what's profitable RIGHT NOW.
Early-Bird Discount @ $17.97
I want all of us to GET THIS FIRST and start making ROYALTIES before the crowd rushes in!
This will only be available for a few days so that we can get a head start on everyone else.
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30-Day Refund Policy: If you contact us directly via our Support Center or our email address (support@bookpumper.com), we will speedily refund your money. If you start a dispute with PayPal instead of simply asking us for a refund, this may greatly delay or even void your refund. Please allow up to 72 hours for your refund to be processed as we may be in a different time zone than you. We are honorable people. We will refund your money.
Results May Vary: We cannot guarantee success. We can only guarantee to give you the best training possible. And your money back if you are not completely satisfied. Results, of course, may vary. When promoting your book using our tactics: You may make money, you may lose money, you may simply break even. Our training is world class and leading edge. It is the best on the market. We want to see you happy and successful. And that's what we strive for each and every day.

I've helped many authors achieve success
I've helped them get their books visible. I've seen them switch to a whole new lifestyle. It's a beautiful thing to have true fans of your creative work. It's hard to believe there are that many people out there who think like you!
But there's one thing these successful authors have in common: They didn't quit! You are a creative soul. You must get your voice out to the world. Quitting is not an option. Investing in your success is.
Godspeed to you and all your writing projects. Once your publishing income replaces your day job, you will never look back. You will now be a full-time creator. You will work anytime and anywhere you wish. And you will be free.
Paul J Coleman
- Authoradvent.com Author/Consultant
Limited Time @ $17.97
I want all of us to USE THIS FIRST and start making ROYALTIES before the crowd rushes in!
This will only be available for a few days so that we can get a head start on everyone else.
Currently still available:

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Copyright 2021 Paul Coleman and ic7 media